So, during the pandemic, my friend Francie called me. She said a producer needed two SAG-AFTRAns to record a Christmas song. We went to Akron Recording Company (ARC) and met Chris Butler, who wrote Christmas Wrapping in his band The Waitresses. Patty Donahue, the wonderful lead singer, passed away i…
Blog posts : "General"
Dining in the Backyard
September . . . and I'm not giving up on summer quite yet. We are still dining al fresco (weather permitting) on the terrace. (Doesn't that sound more glamorous than having breakfast in the backyard?) Right now, a cool breeze is finding its way through the ravine corridor, the trees are rustling an…
And here we are
So, it's nearly a year since we've been sheltered-in. I feel lucky that I can still work - both in and out of home - and that I still remember how to drive. Because if you've not driven for a few weeks (like last March, when I had the flu for 2 weeks) it can get sketchy. I now understand how people …
Nine Months of Quarantine
I would never have imagined - that in a pandemic - I would be the musician still performing live every week, singing and playing. It's slightly surreal. I appreciate the time to hone my craft, the moments we get to spend in a recording studio, more time to compose. We are exploring more virtual perf…
A Whiff of History
Ok, this sounds strange, but I got to smell George Washington yesterday.
Picture this: You are in Philadelphia in 1787 at a lively party. You’ve had a glass of Madeira, and several glasses of the spiked fruit punch-1. The musicians are playing, the crowd is rowdy and suddenly you find yoursel…
Who doesn't love a blog?
I love to write. I must thank my dear and beloved friend, Beth Segal, who first convinced me to become a writer. (A good friend is a tremendous blessing - especially one who knows you better than you know yourself!) One of my first published musings was for The Plain Dealer. It was a story about the…